Child Support Enforcement
The Support Enforcement Division (SED) of the DA’s Office helps children receive financial support from both parents and helps strengthen families by connecting them to community services. Our office represents the interests of the state. We do not represent either party. For legal advice please contact a private attorney.
SED Flyer
Our Services
Child support services are available to both custodial and non-custodial parents. Caretakers or relatives who have physical custody of a child may also be entitled to child support services. Those services include:
- Establishing paternity, a child support order, or modifying an existing support order.
- Establishing, modifying, or enforcing health care coverage for a child.
- Determining the amount of past due child support.
- Collecting support payments.
- Providing spousal support services when associated with a current child support order and limited spousal-only enforcement services by wage withholding and accounting services.
Helpful Information
To apply for child support service, please complete an online application or contact us at the address and phone number below. Please refer to the Oregon Child Support Program website for more detailed information regarding:
- Your child support case including case status, payments, history, etc.
- Timelines for various actions including establishing, modifying, and enforcing your order.
- Helping calculate the amount of your support order using this child support calculator.
- Child support laws to reference your rights and obligations.
- Making payments.
Throughout the process, please remember to:
- Notify our office of any change in either party’s address, phone number, employer, and contact information.
- Contact our office if you receive or make payments directly to a party instead of the Child Support Accounting Unit.
- Provide as much information as possible about the obligated party’s income, assets, employment, or circumstances that will assist our office to enforce the support order.
- Provide copies of all support orders, when requested. Note that signed or certified copies are preferable and are required for some processes.
- Keep our office advised of any legal proceedings or orders taken on your case through a private attorney.
- Advise our office if your child becomes self-supporting, joins the military, marries, changes custody, is adopted, or dies.
Collection Tools
If support is not received, SED may use various collection tools including:
- Wage withholding.
- State and federal tax refund intercepts.
- Credit bureau reporting.
- Unemployment and worker’s compensation withholding.
- Bank garnishments.
- License suspension.
- Administrative and judicial enforcement, including judgment debtor examinations and contempt of court, as appropriate.
Contact Us
If you live in the East Multnomah County area and need assistance, please contact our East County office:
Multnomah County DA’s Office – East County
Support Enforcement
18480 SE Stark St, Suite 305
Portland OR 97233-4867
Phone: 503-988-5321
Fax: 503-988-5338
If you live in Portland or other parts of Multnomah County and need assistance, please contact our downtown office:
Support Enforcement Division – Downtown
Multnomah County Central Courthouse
1200 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 4200
Portland, OR 97204
Phone: 503-988-3160
Fax (503) 988-3160