" Data Dashboards | Multnomah County District Attorney

Multnomah County
District Attorney

1200 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 5200
Portland, OR 97204

Multnomah County District Attorney

1200 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 5200
| Portland, OR 97204
| 503-988-3162

Data Dashboards

Our dashboards are part of a larger movement within our local criminal justice system and community to use data, technology, and research as tools to reduce incarceration and racial disparities and to improve outcomes for justice involved individuals and crime victims. Tools like our dashboards help us create safer communities and advance the dialogue on best practices for local justice systems.

We are excited to make our data accessible and understandable for the community without needing advanced technical expertise. Although accessible via a mobile device, viewers should use a desktop or laptop computer for the best viewing experience.

Dashboard Resources

We have compiled a series of resources designed to aid users in their dashboard viewing experience and/or to better understand the criminal justice system.

Take a look by clicking here.


Best viewed with desktop or laptop

Prosecutorial Performance Indicators
Prosecutorial Performance Indicators
Bias Crimes Dashboard
Bias Crimes
Firearms Cases
Gun Violence Cases
Protest Cases Dashboard
Protest Cases