Multnomah County
District Attorney

1200 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 5200
Portland, OR 97204

Multnomah County District Attorney

1200 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 5200
| Portland, OR 97204
| 503-988-3162

Prosecutorial Performance Indicators (PPIs)

Welcome to the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office Prosecutorial Performance Indicators (PPIs) homepage where you can navigate to a variety of data dashboards linked below.

The data dashboards were developed in partnership with PPI’s, Florida International University, Loyola University of Chicago, Portland State University, and Justice System Partners. This partnership is funded through the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge, which Multnomah County has been part of since the inception of this landmark initiative.

PPIs are intended to help prosecutors and communities use data to flag problems, ask additional questions, develop solutions, and measure change over time. The following PPIs visualizations are intended to be reflective of community expectations while simultaneously allowing for prosecutor accountability and transparency.

The data dashboards range from public records request response times to how MCDA prioritizes cases, how soon we connect with victims, how we treat defendants of different races and from different neighborhoods, and many other aspects of our work.

The PPI data dashboards represent a critical step forward in realizing the bridge between data and racial equity within the justice system. PPIs measure performance towards three goals: Capacity & Efficiency, Community Safety & Well-being, and Fairness & Justice. MCDA has published ten PPI data dashboards based on 32 performance metrics.

Capacity & Efficiency

Organizational and Staff Capacity

1.1 Office felony and misdemeanor caseloads
1.2 Felony caseload distribution
1.3 Leadership and line prosecutor diversity
1.4 Staff retention rate
1.5 Clerical and paralegal capacity
1.6 Data and analytic capacity

Time & Resource Prioritization

2.1 Ability to identify dismissible cases at filing
2.2 Strategic case rejections at filing and dismissal
2.3 Prioritizing cases with the greatest public safety returns
2.4 Reserving incarceration for serious offenders
2.5 Accurate diversion decisions and placements

Timeliness of Case Processing

3.1 Time to felony disposition
3.4 Conforming to ABA disposition time standards
3.5 Minimizing delays in case processing by limiting continuances
3.6 Dismissal timeliness

Community Safety &

Addressing Serious Crime

4.1 Violent crime prevention
4.2 Acquittal for violent crimes
4.6 Treating serious crime the same across neighborhoods
4.7 Addressing the opioid epidemic

Protecting & Serving Victims

5.1 Victim support outreach
5.2 Speedy contact with victims
5.3 Avoiding victim coercion
5.4 Addressing violent victimization of children
5.6 Addressing sexual assault victimization

Community Outreach & Engagement

6.4 Prosecutorial participation in community events
6.5 Witness cooperation
6.6 Responsiveness to public records requests

Fairness & Justice

Racial & Ethnic Differences

7.1 Victimization of racial/ethnic minorities
7.2 Case dismissal by victim race/ethnicity
7.3 Case filing by defendant race/ethnicity
7.5 DUII Diversion Differences by Defendant Race/Ethnicity
7.6 Charging and plea offers by defendant race/ethnicity
7.7 Incarceration Differences by Defendant Race/Ethnicity

Minimizing Unnecessary Punitiveness

8.1 Avoid unnecessary felony charges at filing
8.2 Alternative to incarceration
8.4 Avoiding felony incarceration when possible
8.7 Disproportionate punishment for low-income individuals

Prosecutorial Ethics & Integrity

9.2 Dedication to conviction integrity
9.3 Commitment to law enforcement accountability
9.4 Charging integrity
9.5 Discovery compliance

Indicators that have been italicized are currently under construction

PPI Data

The PPI dashboards display data on cases referred to and/or issued for prosecution by the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office. The data is updated quarterly. These dashboards show data from adult cases in CRIMES, the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office’s case management system. Juvenile data are not included. Defendant demographic information, and most victim demographic information (such as race, gender, and age) comes from referring to police agencies’ police reports.

Data Stories

District Attorney staff have authored several data stories on the PPIs. The purpose of the data stories is to dig deeper into the numbers and share additional detail that enhances the consumption of data.

Find out more about the
behind the data.