Multnomah County
District Attorney

1200 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 5200
Portland, OR 97204

Multnomah County District Attorney

1200 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 5200
| Portland, OR 97204
| 503-988-3162

DUII Diversion & Intensive Supervision



Eligible drivers may be able to avoid a criminal conviction for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office DUII/Traffic Deputy screens, issues, and makes diversion eligibility determinations (under ORS 813.200).

Persons charged with DUII may be eligible for diversion if they meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • You have no pending charge of DUII (or its statutory counterpart in any jurisdiction) other than the charge for the present offense, on the date you file the petition for a DUII diversion agreement;
  • You have not been convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1) within the period beginning 15 years before the date of the commission of the present offense and ending on the date you file the petition for a DUII diversion agreement;
  • You have not been convicted of a felony DUII in Oregon or elsewhere.
  • You are not participating in a DUII diversion program or in any similar alcohol or drug rehabilitation program, other than a program entered into as a result of the charge for the present offense, in this state or in any other jurisdiction on the date you file the petition for a DUII diversion agreement;
  • You did not participate in a diversion or rehabilitation program described in paragraph (3), other than a program entered into as a result of the charge for the present offense, within the period beginning 15 years before the date of the commission of the present offense and ending on the date you file the petition for a DUII diversion agreement;
  • You have no charge of an offense of aggravated vehicular homicide or of murder, manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide or assault that resulted from the operation of a motor vehicle pending in this state or in any other jurisdiction on the date you file the petition for a DUII diversion agreement;
  • You have not been convicted of an offense described in paragraph (5) within the period beginning 15 years before the date of the commission of the present offense and ending on the date you file the petition for a DUII diversion agreement;
  • You did not hold a commercial driver license (CDL) at the time of the offense;
  • You were not operating a commercial motor vehicle at the time of the offense; and
  • The present DUII offense did not involve an accident resulting in:
  • Death of any person; or
  • Physical injury to any person other than yourself;


DUII Intensive Supervision Program (DISP)

The purpose of the DUII Intensive Supervision Program (DISP) is to help repeat DUII offenders establish and maintain a life that is free of alcohol and drug abuse for the duration of probation and beyond. We believe that taking these steps will greatly improve the quality of the offender’s life, as well as the safety and security of our community.

DISP is a post conviction, voluntary treatment court for repeat DUII offenders. We take a collaborative and holistic approach to solving the problems that contribute to creating and perpetuating the repeat DUII offender.

DISP combines the treatment court model with intensive supervision. DUII offenders are required to have frequent meetings with court-based case managers, electronic alcohol monitoring, frequent and random alcohol and drug testing, long-term treatment with mental health components, and 12-step meeting attendance. Additional conditions of probation include payment of fees, fines and restitution, full time work, GED, ESL, social activity, honesty, and driving only with the court’s permission. These conditions, more often than not, lead to permanent changes in behavior.


  • Protect the community
  • Reduce DUII recidivism and related criminal activity
  • Provide access to treatment and to self-help groups to enhance long-term sobriety
  • Enhance quality of life for all Oregonians