You received a subpoena because your testimony will help the court determine if someone committed a crime. Even if you did not see the crime, your testimony about other related information may be important.
Calling our office to check the schedule may save you an unnecessary trip to our office. For felonies, you may check our Online Docket after 6:00 p.m., to see which felony cases have been assigned for trial the next day. For misdemeanors you will need to call the number on your subpoena.
Our office provides support and assistance to crime victims through the Victim Assistance Program.
Leave from Employment
Crime victims and witnesses should contact our office with questions about time lost from work for a court appearance if their employer is concerned about time lost from work. State law requires many employers to allow eligible employees to take reasonable leave from employment to attend court proceedings [ORS 659A.272].
Lost Wages
State law sets the amount of the witness fee and mileage and it does not provide compensation for loss of wages [ORS 136.602]. Witnesses should check with their employer about their policy for payment during a court appearance.
CourtCare provides childcare at the courthouse if your child is between the ages of 6 weeks and 5 years. CourtCare is located on the second floor of the Multnomah County Courthouse. For additional information and availability, please call CourtCare at (503) 988-4334.